The Escape Game

An immersive science experience

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We have been approached by our longstanding client Leaps by Bayer to accompany them to the 2019 edition of Boston Hub Week, a Boston-based festival eclectically fusing art, science and technology, and to develop the messaging for their innovative and extraordinary escape game “Breaking Through Impossible”.
Escape games build immersive 3D worlds commonly featuring a blend of both analogue and digital elements in which teams are confronted with a key challenge
that they need to jointly find a solution to.
We were in charge of developing the communication around the escape game’s world premiere in Boston, which included the production of a high-end video to announce
the game to the public as well as of a documentary (both still and moving images) of the initiative to be used as content for social media afterwards. All produced formats
needed to be cut in a way that they could be easily posted on the different social media channels.


As we do in almost all of our projects, we extended our core team from Circle Culture Consulting by carefully selected experts from our global
thinkers network. This internal research and workshop process is always guided by the question as to the perfect authorities in view of our clients’ brief and requirements.
In order to produce both the videos and visuals to the highest possible standard, we collaborated with the Berlin-based design and motion graphics studio Pfadfinderei,
our longstanding partner since 2002 where we developed the first Nike Spirit Room together.


We were responsible for

• Communicatively introducing the escape game to the biotech segment during
the Boston Hub Week in September 2019 (amongst others by means of largescale
visual displays),

• Producing a reception event that all the crucial and important partners of Leaps
by Bayer, local opinion leaders and the press were invited to, and where a
preview of the Escape Game took place (the Escape Game was produced by
Immersive Tech from Vancouver/Canada and constituted an extremely high
production value),

• Concept and design of diverse communication formats including an advertisement in the Boston Globe

• Collaborating with Teresa Silver, a VJane that we recruited from MIT and who
created phenomenal visuals for the opening event, and for

• Creating and co-branding vests for the internal on-site teams (together with
the Spanish sustainable clothing brand Ecoalf) and t-shirts in an aspirational
packaging as give-away for the escape game’s participants (together with the
ethical tee company from London).


Communication Development

Content Development

Corporate Identity

Design System


Event & PR Concept



Key Creatives

Teresa Silver
Richard Cassar
Mario de Armas







The Escape Game

Simulate the rush of landing a moonshot

The Escape Game Container



Boston Globe

Collaboration Partners & Communication Material

Hub Week & Ecoalf & Ethical T-Company

Linda HenryCEO Hub Week
InstructorEthical T-Company
Leaps TeamEcoalf Jackets

Social Media Impressions