
European bike community program

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Insight - Objective

To implement and guide a pan european communication program with a limited budget but maximum impact on brand awareness.

Concept - Strategy

We recruited and implemented 6 brand ambassadors through our key creative network to work with them on local community marketing activities in providing new media channels for the bike brand such as Hotels (i.e Hotel Amour in Paris and the5rooms in Barcelona), Fashion Shops (i.a WoodWood in Copenhagen and Goodhood in London) or Art and Music venues (i.e. Moniker Art Fair & Christie Auction in London, Magneet Festival in Amsterdam). The product functions as the ad and is tangible.

In Germany we came up with the idea to present the pope his official ”Papabike“ (not ”Papamobil“) during his visit in Berlin on the 22nd of September 2011.

For the UK we recruited BEN EINE (world famous street artist) to customize a electra bike that went to a charity auction (war child) on Christies.

Output - Impact

The positioning of Electra as the number one lifestyle bike brand in Europe and a generation of an european media value of 30 Million contacts.


Communication Development

Content Development


Event & PR Concept

Exhibition & Event




Trend & Innovation Consulting

Key Creatives

Lifestyle Shop Owner, Copenhagen
Skate, Surf - & Snow Editor, Barcelona
PR Manager, Paris
Musician & Trendscout, Barcelona
Blogger & Fashion Advisor, London
Fashion Designer, Berlin
Art Curator, London
Model & Bike fanatic, Copenhagen
Surf Event Initiator, Sylt
Artist, London
Photographer, Barcelona


2010 – 2012



The interactive online tool where the european brand ambassadors reporting about bike trends & their local initiatives

Interactive Community Initiatives

Pope Bike

Draw Contest

Radio.de Co-operation

Artist Co-operation

Ben Eine & Christie´s

HOtel Co-operationS

i.e. 25hours Hotel & Hotel Amour

Fashion & Beauty Co-operations

i.e. Manhattan Cosmetics and Reality Studio

Institution Co-operations



VIP`s and Cultural Icons